Chalk this up to being a noob, but I had no idea that The Artists Formerly known as Level 80 Elite Tauren Chieftain (abbreviated for simplicity as TAFKAL80ETC; previously Level 80 Elite Tauren Chieftain (L80ETC), Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain (L70ETC), Level 60 Tauren Chieftain, and originally Tenth Level Tauren Chieftain) actually played concerts in game. Hanging around the World’s Inn Tavern in Shattrah City I kept seeing shouts that they would be playing at the top of the hour, so I went, and like a good roady I rushed the stage.

They sang “Power of the Horde” and de-spawned, but nonetheless pretty cool. They apparently play every 3 hours and I would assume play different songs, but I don’t get to Shattrah very often so I can’t verify that. I did find a script though that plays the song in-game, to get it and copy/paste go here.

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